The US will resume issuing diversity visas for lottery winners
Important! President Donald Trump's proclamation, barring green card applicants, diversity visa lottery winners and other legal immigrants from entering the U.S., has been partially blocked by a Washington federal judge. The presidential proclamation previously banned most immigration into the U.S. until December 31, 2020.
The court ordered the administration to process all 2020 diversity visa applications as quickly as possible before September 30. Applications are being processed at embassies and consulates where local health conditions allow.
To be eligible for the visa, applicants must obtain all documents sufficient to meet the formal visa application requirements, have paid all application fees, and have the ability to get the medical examination. Applicants who were previously scheduled for an interview should contact the U.S. consulate for further information.
The Department of State will use the following prioritization plan for applicants:
(*)Applicants who were named plaintiffs in court cases; (*)Applicants who had already been interviewed and who seek a re-issuance or to overcome a prior refusal; (*)Applicants who were scheduled for appointments in March, April, or May and whose appointments were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (*)For embassies and consulates that have additional capacity to process applications and that are not exhausted by the three categories above, applicants whose cases are pending with the Department’s Kentucky Consular Center.
Unfortunately, it will not be possible to issue all DV-2020 visas by the deadline. Besides, the Presidential Proclamation 10014, which bans entry into the United States of certain immigrants (including Diversity Visa applicants), remains in force until December 31, 2020, and can be extended by the President.
Anyway the resumption of visa issuance (though in limited quantities) and the victory over Trump's anti-immigration resolution is already a big step in favor of the Diversity Visa program. The editorial staff of expresses confidence that in the foreseeable future the processes will return to their normal course.
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