Author 2020-06-06

DV Lottery 2021 results

Starting June 6, 2020 the results of the DV-2021 Green Card Lottery program are available online. How to know if you are a winner? Let's check it!
In this article we answer a frequently asked question: how to find out if you have won the DV Lottery. In fact, it is very easy to check. Be careful: if you receive any email that you have won the Green Card Lottery, don’t pay any money, this is nothing but a fraud.

Read our detailed instructions on how to check and find out the results of the Green Card lottery

Whether you’ve won or not, you will not receive any notifications. You need to check it manually on the DV Lottery official website at Click the 'Check status' link.
Then press the 'Continue' button. Enter your confirmation number, your surname (your first name is not required), year of birth. After filling the form, click the ‘Submit’ button and the page with results will become available.
If you are not among winners you will see a phrase: HAS NOT BEEN SELECTED. But don’t hurry to delete and discard the Confirmation Number. The organizers of DV-lottery recommend to store it until the start of the next DV-program. There were real cases when the results were changed after the first announcement. For example, in 2014, the Entrance Status Check website experienced a brief technical problem. As a result, some people were shown the wrong result that was changed later. The chances are quite small, but why should you give up?
If you have won the DV Lottery, you will see the page informing that ‘you have been randomly selected for further processing in the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program’. Congratulations! Be sure to save the case number: you will need it for further process. Now you must file the DS-260 application form at and wait for the interview.
Note that your interview schedule depends on your case number that was automatically generated. The smaller the number, the better the chances to pass your interview earlier. It doesn’t matter how quickly you check your results or submit the DS-260 form!

DV Lottery official website doesn't work. How can I check my results?

Don't rush to check your results right on June 6. During the first hours after the announcement the website may not operate correctly because of the huge traffic. Millions of people are visiting it at the same time, so disruptions may occur.
You can check the site in a couple of days. At that point, the site should be back to normal. It doesn't affect the result, and there's no hurry. If you are selected then you have almost the whole year at your disposal. Yes, there is a myth that the sooner you start the process, the sooner you'll get a Green Card. But that’s not true. Don’t worry, you have plenty of time if you have won to move to America!

Maximize your chances in the DV Lottery with 7ID app!

  • Get a compliant DV photo, free or paid
  • Save your DV confirmation code

Install 7ID now!